Actividades. Senderismo.

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icoCasa Rural LOS LLANILLOS en Frontera de El Hierro


El Hierro has its own distinct personality. As a World Biosphere Reserve, it combines a generous nature with the exquisite respect for its traditions. The TOURMAC Project seeks to recover, signpost and offer these traditional trails and paths for the use and enjoyment of both the inhabitants of El Hierro and its visitors.




The tracks on the network of Trails are signposted using arrows, information panels, interpretative tables and painted markers which use the international colour codes and a very symbol code which is easy to understand.

All of the paths/trails are identified by letters and numbers. There are three main categories: Long haul, short and local.

GR: cover distances of hundreds of kilometres, and can even connect several countries. The linking of various GRs creates E-paths which cross a minimum of three countries and are referred to as "Continental Footpaths"

PR: are short distance paths taking one day to complete, and are of no more than 30 kilometres in length.

S.L: This mean Local Path, “Sendero Local” in Spanish. All these are under 10 kilometres allowing you to get to know places of local interest. They are marked in white and green.

SL V 1 Sendero de la Llanía. 4,125 km.

This path belongs to the protégé site of El Parque Rural de Frontera. This is not a traditional path like the others, because it is a consequence of the necessity of a path suitable for old people and children. It has a great botanical, geological and ethnographical beauty.